Tool sharpening and furniture making Videos

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Dovetails & Drawer making, Planing

Knuckle joints and Chisel techniques, Secret Mitre Dovetails

From Our Blog

Physical DVD stock

The Through Dovetail 5 The Mortice & Tenon Joint 4 The Knuckle & Ruler Joints 5 Plane Sharpening 1 Precision Planing…

Website down

Apologies if you’ve been unable to reach David’s website, an auto update broke the site, but as you can see, we…

Hand tool Techniques Videos 1&2

We have had a few request for the original Hand tool Techniques 1 & 2 videos, so they are now available…

Video not DVD?

I’ve had an order from a customer who was expecting physical DVDs. To avoid confusion, I have now removed references to…